5 Essential Smart Tech Gadgets For Your Custom Home in 2021

Smart Home
Custom Homes • Apr 12, 2021

5 Essential Smart Tech Gadgets For Your Custom Home in 2021

Imagine living in your dream custom home filled with smart tech gadgets every single day. Like in a James Bond movie, you could clap and turn the lights out, activate music simply by saying it aloud, and then visit your own private wine cellar to pick out that special bottle of Cab Sav to accompany your fancy dinner, cooked to perfection in your own personal chef-level kitchen. For some people, this might seem too good to be true. But in actuality, building your dream home is completely within the realm of possibility—one step towards upgrading your custom home to match your needs, including smart tech gadget additions.

Studies have shown that 65% of homeowners already have one or more smart tech gadgets installed in their homes. So, installing smart tech devices is no longer exclusive to futuristic luxury spy mansions- smart tech gadgets are, in fact, an easy way to customize your home. And with a custom home built to your specifications from the ground up, you can personalize every aspect of the home to suit your needs. This means you can design a home where your smart tech gadgets blend in seamlessly.

Let’s take a look at five essential smart tech gadgets for your custom home in 2021 for every part of the house.

1. Smart Kettle and Automated Coffee Maker

Automating your morning caffeine hit is a smart way to save time each day, and those minutes you would otherwise spend waiting for the coffee to finish brewing or the water to boil, can add up to hours throughout each month and even add a whole extra day to each year. Like the Smarter Kettle, you can program your tea water to be ready at a certain time each morning with a smart kettle.

Ikettle Smart Tech Gadget
Wifi controlled iKettle

So, you can start each day by waking up to a steaming wake-me-up cup, kickstarting your day with a hot cup of caffeine right when you need it. You can even program the kettle from a Bluetooth-enabled app on your phone or give it voice commands- ideal for a cozy, lazy afternoon on the couch.

2. Essential Smart Tech Gadget – Smart Fridge

The latest in smart fridge technology features sensors that can analyze your fridge’s contents and identify when you are running low on particular products. So, you won’t have to worry about getting home from the grocery store, only to realize you forgot that one essential item. The smart fridge can also note when open food items are about to expire, so you know what to toss out when and what needs to be replaced.

Or, for a more interactive choice, you can use a smart fridge magnet, like the Hiku kitchen button, which allows you to scan the barcodes of your refrigerated items, or tell the button out loud which cooking and cleaning supplies you are running low on. Then, like a personal assistant, the app will create a shopping list for you, sending it directly to your phone via Bluetooth.

Smart Tech Kitchen Button
Integration with Walmart and Peapod make a smart device more powerful

You can also use a device synced directly to Amazon. Give voice commands about which products you need, and the online retailer will deliver them straight to your door, eliminating the hassle of shopping for home supplies altogether.


3. Smart Thermostat

Imagine: you are out for a walk on a hot, swampy afternoon, and you cannot help but picture coming home to an icy cool home that will wake you up and refresh you. But you hadn’t programmed your thermostat for the cool before you left the house.

Luckily, you don’t have to worry- you have a smart thermostat, which means you can program the temperature remotely from your smartphone. So, it will be cold as a popsicle as soon as you arrive at home. Or set it to create a warm and toasty atmosphere as soon as you step out of the bath.

A smart thermostat can also help cut down your utility bills and keep you from wasting energy. These smart devices can automatically detect when someone is in the room or even in the house and adjust the atmosphere accordingly, not wasting energy. That makes your home more environmentally friendly as well. So, this one simple device can help lower your monthly bills, decrease your home’s carbon footprint, and upgrade your lifestyle for greater convenience, ease, and even luxury.


4. Smart Tech Lighting

Another environmentally friendly smart tech innovation: smart lighting. Like the temperature inside your home, smart lighting can be adjusted remotely, so if, for example, you left the house in a rush and forgot to turn the lights off, you can program the lights to turn off from your smartphone. You can also customize the lights to dim or extinguish when you leave the room automatically, so they are not burning energy when no one is in there.

Light up your home from your smartphone

As with other smart tech gadgets, you will want to make sure your home internet connection is strong and stable- with all of these devices running via the home network, you don’t want to overload the connection with too many signals sent from each device. As long as your Wi-fi signal is strong, you won’t be left in the dark.


5. Smart Home Security

You’ve got all of these luxurious additions to your dream home- your standalone bathtub, the nice clothes in your walk-in closet, the custom cabinets that display mementos from your travels. So, of course, you will want to make sure all of these things are protected.

A smart home security system can keep an eye on it for you. Smart home security cameras are now equipped with cutting-edge technologies, like facial recognition and thermal imaging, which can help you feel safe, knowing that you know who is at your door- and that no one has been scoping out your house while you are away. Smart home security camera footage can be accessed remotely, so you can check in from your smartphone or tablet to make sure everything is okay, even while you are at the office or on vacation.

Home Security Camera
Arlo Ultra – Cutting edge protection for what matters most


Make These Essential Smart Tech Gadgets Yours

The most important feature of a custom home is that it works for you. Whatever kind of convenience and luxury you can dream up, there is certainly a way to incorporate that element into your dream home without even breaking the bank.

Smart tech is a great way to augment your custom home’s comfort, convenience, and ease. Whether they are keeping you safe and secure or bringing that little bit of extra calm and ease to your daily home interactions, smart tech gadgets are an essential part of your custom home this year.

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